Thursday, March 27, 2025

Day ???, 100 Days: Reusing failed art (small auto. pen)

So, here is what I also planned to do with this challenge (and actually wanted to do last year) -- finishing pieces I started, and repurposing failed creations.


This is a piece I "repurposed" for my Happy Journal. (ignore the bottom part, as I'm going to redo)


I'm not super pleased with the blue lettering, but it's better than how it started out. (This also tells me i should take some time and practice my tiny italic!)

Here is the original. I love the abstract painting and the red "art" lettering (Horizon nib), but the rest of my lettering is ick.

Close up.😝

So I tried to salvage and redo!

*And here is the part for the Challenge -- used my fairly new automatic pen:

I used this pen a couple times for masking, as I really didn't like it when I first got it. But decided to start using again with ink.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Orange Prang Brush marker, Day 31

Again, no idea how old this marker is, but it's time to toss, as the brush end is very worn. The ink is still good, but very hard to letter with. SO, I created a design instead.

I love this quote. When I was playing at first, this design just came about (scroll to bottom), and I thought they fit perfect.

Close up of marker

Before design

Close up of lettering within design

I messed up this quote, as I wish I had used the double nib for "Inspiration" too.

More close ups of design

Added glitter gel pen effects.

Just a layered lettering piece that turned into a fun design.

First draft

Monday, March 24, 2025

Day 30: Old Crayola Brush marker (and Mini Marker Challenge)

*I have decided to do a Mini Marker Challenge incorporated into my 100 Days of Supplies/Inventory, as I have so many that I rarely use, and so many that are drying up. I was going to wait til this current 100 Day Challenge was over, but feel like doing so now, as this piece inspired me.

(AND I  may switch it up, and throw in other pieces, as this challenge isn't going as well as hoped/planned, which is why I took a break. Just not feeling it this time around. BUT want to stick it out!)


I only have 3 of these markers left. I think it's safe to say they're over 20 years old. 
The last time I used them was 3 years ago, for my 100 Markers Challenge. (scroll to bottom)

They're actually not bad, as the tip is quite flexible, and you can get (somewhat) fine lines. AND I was really impressed with my lettering for this, as when I was done and took the pic, I kept looking at it thinking, "Wow! I lettered that???" 😀

The only bad thing, is that it's supposed to say, "Crayoligraphy", but b/c I made a ligature with the y and o, it looks like a p instead, making it look like "Crapligraphy".  😕😖

(and if I TRIED to make a "p" like that, it prob. wouldn't turn out!) 😁

Here is another test piece.

Blue from 2022

and a red alpha exemplar.

They're all drying out.

*Going to do more with each, so new pieces to come!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Day 29: Marvy duo tip Brush marker

I bought this lone marker at a Dollar store a few years ago, so, I'm breaking it out for the Challenge! (Brush markers call out to me! Maybe I should do a whole challenge using just brush markers?)

One end is "flexible" brush, and the other is fine point. (and as you can see, the fine point isn't dried out!)

Wasn't sure what to letter, so I went with this (part of an IG lettering challenge). And, of course, with Spring, I have to do my garden alpha letters!

Test piece, again spring-like!

Then, I decided to do a word border for a Snail Mail letter. (Says, "happy Spring!")

Close up of tip, and grass.

Then, colored in parts with water, and the ink from the marker (guess it's not waterproof).
Also added flowers.


Saturday, March 22, 2025

Green Callig. Marker, env.'s (Day 28)

*(Whoops! This was scheduled b4 I decided to take a break from the challenge. I "updated" -- i.e. added this note -- and will still post, since 1) it's #SnailMailSaturday! and 2) It's Spring themed.)


Another callig marker whose once-crisp end is now worn. So, I used to decorate some env.'s

First one says, "hello Spring!"

added flowers to some of the ends.

Before pic with marker

Before adding flowers

2nd env.: happy holidays

And with red accents.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Blossom Poem (I heart me)

*NOTEFor those of you who may check this blog daily -- or even weekly/every so often --(first off, THANK YOU!! -- I know blogs are probably somewhat "passe", so I appreciate if you follow!), just wanted to give a little update re: the 100 Day Challenge... I'm taking a bit of a break. (will explain later).

For now, am sharing this:

This post is fairly apt for today, with it being the first day of Spring!

Since March last year, I started composing poetry. It all started out with a week-long challenge of a short meditation first, listening to a poem (which set the theme), then prompts to journal about whatever we felt.
I've been trying to get into the habit of journaling (for years!), but a few things stop me: 1) I don't get the therapeutic feeling from it. Sometimes I get clarity, but I'm hoping for that healing aspect. Maybe it's happening and I just don't realize it. I actually try nighttime journaling, to set the tone for my sleep. 2) the second issue is me forgetting. I need to just make time, and I get distracted with other tasks throughout the day. and finally 3) My hand cramps up!
I say this in all my correspondence to others: the reason for my typed up letters vs. handwritten penmanship is to save my hand for lettering. Even just a page-long written letter is hard on my hand. Maybe if i held a stress ball in the other? 
Another issue is that my brain is trying to output more than my handwriting can handle.

ANYway... Back to my poetry.
In doing this type of meditative journaling, I wanted to take parts of what I wrote and letter them in my healing journal, however, when i started pulling out my words, poetry emerged!

Some of it is prose, but most of it rhymes, which I have fun with. 
This one is from January:

At first, I started with the "scrap" piece of art (in the center):
The center piece was from when I was just playing/sketching. I loved it so, and wanted to do something with it, so I tried lettering this poem around it.
However, I think it looks too cluttered.
(Not sure why I did this, but the small art piece says, "i" in the center of the "stem", with the heart as the bloom, and "me" at the bottom -- the "root"? if you will...  😊 -- "i heart me".)

So, b/c it's now Spring, I decided to letter "i heart me" in florals. (pp):

and here it is b4 adding shading:

Below is the empty space before:

Here is my poem w/out the art. As you can see, I used various lettering. The poem reads:

Blossom and bloom, Keep Shining Through
Show your true self, Let others make room.
Release expectations, give yourself grace,
And always remember, 
You're ALLOWED to take space.


Not bad italic!



b nib for "expectations"

Keep Blooming, folks!  :)

Friday, March 14, 2025

RoseArt Mechanical Pencil (Day 20)

Back in the early 2000's, I must've bought a ton of RoseArt items, as back then, they made so many fun art supplies. This was one of them. (I actually own 2!)
I'm sure you've seen multi-colored color pencils (I use to own thicker ones, but hard to sharpen, as they're too big for a regular sharpener -- prob. 4x the size!), and this is similar. The lead is multi colored! (see pics below as well as vid)

The only downside is if you get a color you don't like or that is dominant (in this case, the red is taking over). Scroll to bottom to see older play pieces.

Close up of the lead. Not the best pic, but you can tell if you look close (the red is to the left, yellow/gold on top and some green/blue to the right)

I did this overlapping exemplar back in 2022 for my Markers Challenge. I saved to color in at some point, so decided to use this tool for that!

Before pic of alpha with marker

"Demo" vid.

Another use on black paper. You can see how the colors blend with each other.
 Was surprised it showed up!

Close ups: