I learned about bleach way back in the mid 90's. If you have the right paper, it's a fun effect. However, it's also a bit nerve-racking to work with, as you need to be careful (getting on clothes, but also on your skin or eyes!), especially if using folded pens that splatter!
*[Side note story: Once, I think I had some on my hands after using, and accidentally rubbed my eye! Although it didn't sting, I irritated it.]
SO, my suggestion for using bleach is...don't. 😆 Ok, kidding. Seriously, if you want to try bleach, I would use gloves (fitted) and pour a small amount into a glass container, AND place securely on your desk, so you will ensure no spills.
Then, when done, 1) put the bleach away (or just rinse out container), 2) rinse your tool well (even wipe off handle), then remove gloves, wipe off handle again, then 3) wash hands thoroughly. Hopefully, that will prevent any mishaps.
Since I use it sparingly, I thought I'd just do a page to show samples vs. posting individually.
These first few are from late 2018 or early 2019. All done with a folded pen. (Not my best lettering.)
This one wasn't as white.
As you can see, a lot of times, the paper turns white, however, some papers create a diff. color, which is the super-fun part!
Same paper, but with my Coit pen.
And a test tree (used that Chlorox bleach pen! Are these even made anymore?)
on strathmore cardstock (again, the bleach pen)
with my Ruling Writer
I think I used a Hiro poster nib for this, but not sure. I just LOVE how it shines though!
Lighter view.
And closer.
Gold-ish effect.
For an env.
Didn't show up well on this black paper.
Showed up great on this Strathmore!
and again, more shine on astrobright paper.
I think I used my Ruling Writer for this.
Again, my RW.
And, again RW for this matching snail mail set. Turned out yellow-ish vs white.
Love the brightness of this.
( I don't like how long the tail of my N is -- almost looks like a W. 😕😒 Jan. 2021)
This looks like bleach, but it's white ink. Sharing just for fun!
Folded pen for this piece.
I dislike most all my lettering on these, but sharing for bleach.
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