Sunday, December 31, 2023


From 2019.
Happy New Year!

Need to redo. (I love my C, but the rest needs work.) Used a Wink of Stella glitter pointed brush pen.

Top 9, just for fun.

I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of the Top 9... I'm assuming they wanted to do Top 10, but only 9 squares would fit?

Anyway, like last year, here is my Top 9 list from IG vs. my Top 9 (below) -- 

Theirs -- L to R, Top to B:
1. Personalized thumbprint
2. Uncial mindfulness (combined inks)
3. fp and walnut ink: "Do what you think you cannot"
4. my 5 env. entries to the P&I contest in April (letter writing month)
5. Friends tree in uncial & pp (was actually a video of misc. Cmas creations)
6. Magic done with my Brody pen!
7. Thankful with my slant tip PP and walnut ink (Friends of Callig. Nov. entry)
8. Meraki word & definition, again with Brody pen and italic lettering
9. same quote as 3, with 3d w/c design to the left. Homemade fp.

Mine, again L to R, Top to B:
1. Rudolph env. 
2. Tree collage env.
3. Grinch env.
4. Santa env.
5. "Something" ("funny"/literal) entry for FoC Nov. prompt. Slant tip pp
6. Shining env.
7. World Callig. Day, Brody pen
8. Courage quote (various tools)
9. Magic (only one that crossed over), Brody pen

To see all my creations, here is my IG link!

Friday, December 29, 2023

Thumbprint to Nele

Late Dec./Early Jan marks the 5th year Nele and I have been exchanging (pop over to my Snail Mail blog to see env.'s I've sent her over the years) --

So, in honor of that, I got this idea off Pinterest:  Listed out some random facts about me in the shape of a thumbprint!

At first, I tried using my own thumb pattern, but it was harder to follow the lines, and didn't work out. So I just used the Pinspo one.

Tried taking a pic of my thumb with it, at about the same size.  😄

Diff. angle. I bit hard lettering so small, but got it done quicker than I thought. 
I then scanned it in and printed it out 5x7. I could send her the original (8x10), but 1) I don't want to fold it and 2) I kinda want to keep it myself and frame it for my art room!

Can't wait to send. Hope she likes!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Season's Greetings!

Sending love to all who view my blog! Thank you -- I appreciate it, as i enjoy sharing my work! 

Mixed uncial and folded pen.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Flashback Friday: December uncial

As I've been slowly "transitioning" my blog to include all of my lettering styles, I'm trying to update with past pieces that turned out.

Here is one from Dec. 2020:

Stacked uncial, color pencil and metallic wc's.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Blue Tree

*See post on my Snail Mail blog for env.'s I did like this: 

Decided to create one for our home too! (put in our office, as it's primary colors)

Acrylic ink on canvas, RW, 2023.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Another "Friends" tree

I wanted the names to stand out more, so I did them in the shape of a tree, with the lyrics to the sides. BUT I'm not happy with how the lyrics landed (I really need to start doing practice layouts.)

Parallel pen uncial with watercolor ink. Pointed pen and metallic ink.

Here was the original, til I "redid" a little. Wish I could find a better image for Chandler's A, as well as Rachel's C. (Maybe an angel for Chandler? That would be a bit fitting.)

Saturday, December 9, 2023

converted envie to Irene

This mini env. (3x5) was a practice piece that said "thank you", so after converting, thought it fitting to send to Irene, as she requested to be on my list for PTEx Oct.

Sorry, no before pic. (I need to get better at doing that.)

I decided to create a unique letter to go in it, so I lettered the word "hello" with the same tool (Horizon folded pen) and walnut ink.

Turned on its side.

I need to do more fun letters like this.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Happy Holidays, Friends style

I got this idea earlier this year, well before Matthew's passing. It's the Christmas song Phoebe sings in Season 4 (scroll for lyrics).

My darn pointed pen wasn't working that great with the white ink, and I don't like how the names fell. BUT I didn't want to redo (maybe next year). Still I was happy with my idea, esp. the colors! (Also, I didn't even realize I did this till it was done, but I only used 5 dots of each color. Found that to be a wild coincidence, now that there's only 5 of them.)  :(  RIP Matthew.

Song lyrics:
(or rather, the "chorus")

Monica, Monica, Have a Happy Hanukkah.
Saw Santa Claus, he said Say hello to Ross.
And please tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy!
And Rachel and Chandler....?????..handlaaarrr....
Happy Holidays Everybody! ~ Phoebe.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

More with the Paint Shaper!

And here are even more samples (again, from 100 Days of Neon, 2021)

Used my smallest (7mm) size for these piano keys.

Tried doing uncial, but a bit of a fail. (To be fair, I was just learning with them.)

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Neon with paint shaper

In going through my photos, looking for samples with this tool, I came across these (I totally forgot about!!) They're from one of my first 100 Day challenges (100 Days of Neon, early 2021).

i tried painting a layer of neon orange over black, but it didn't show up well.

Diff. lighting

Here's my first try: (Ugh, my lettering -- yuck.) I first painted a base with neon colors (another piece from my 100 Days of Neon) then an overlay in grey. It didn't turn out b/c the grey dried quickly.

*SO, 1) Use good paint, 2) make sure the layer is thick enough, and 3) work quickly!

Friday, December 1, 2023

Paint Shaper Tools ("Merry")

I have these lovely tools called Paint Shapers (see previous post -- Cmas tree), and last year, I started using them for lettering (actually around 2006, I first used them as a test -- see piece at end).

Sizes: 7mm, 1/4 inch, 

I believe I got them for free from an art supply store I ordered from in the early 2000's. Cannot remember the name of it, and when these were included in my order, I was baffled. I finally looked them up, and found out what they were. I loved how 2 of them were in the shape of broad-edged/chisel tip nibs, so I decided to test them out with lettering!

I first tested them back when I got them (see last pic), but then never did anything more. Then, a few years ago, I tried using the other one, that's shaped like a folded pen! (scroll to see pic of Jean's name)

Finally, last year, I decided to have a another go, just for fun. Although a fun technique, you need to work quickly b/c of the paint drying. I'm sure I'll get better with more practice and experience, but for now, not bad!

Lettered the word, "merry" last year. (in uncial)

Still pics:

Tried adding to it with a Posca pen, but not digging my script lettering. #redo!

See previous post with my name and also, see these posts from my Snail Mail blog:

Here is the piece with Jean's name, folded pen style:

 I don't know if I ended up sending this as an env., but I think I didn't b/c it folded weird (or rather, wouldn't fold). Piece of failed canvas I tried converting. Lettering not bad!

and here is my test piece (yikes!) from 2006 (yerg.)
Can you see the PEACE, HI and Love?

Looking forward to using these more!