Saturday, November 25, 2023

Tree card

Our Cmas tree usually goes up this weekend (the Sat. after Thanksgiving), so in honor of that, here is an abstract tree for today's post!

I think I started this last year (or earlier?) but cannot remember how i made it. It looks like the tree was done with acrylic or 3d paint, however... it also looks like it was done with a folded pen.

Actually, as I'm writing this and looking at it more closely, I think I may have used a new "technique"! I I started out with puff paint, THEN used my paint shaper tool! (See next week's post, as I explain more.) I love how this one is in the shape of a folded pen (See pic below.)

Diff. angles -- can you see how it's 3d?

the tool:

 Will have to this again!

Added this pointed pen lettering at the bottom.

Friday, November 24, 2023

And another! (FoC prompt)

For this prompt, i actually wanted to highlight just the words/colors, "Yellow" and "Brown", but I wasn't quite sure what hands to use (esp. for Yellow).

If my pp script lettering was better, I'd use that. But I settled for pp uncial instead.

Still not happy with it. However, my blackletter Brown turned out rather good!

initial idea/attempt. My yellow is better, but my Brown is hand drawn.

Close up of yellow.

I might try this one more time.


Thursday, November 23, 2023


Posting for Turkey Day! But also, sent this insert to Maggie with her owl env.

Below is what I was trying to create (to match the env.), but my other lettering was a fail. Grrr.
I was happy with my versals though.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Another FoC entry

A couple more ideas...

and demo vid:

Pilot slant & walnut ink

And this one, just for fun...


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Last of name project.

Like I said in my previous post (explaining assignment), my creativity takes off. Got the idea to use my Paint Shaper tool! (More on this tool coming up soon!)

Diff. lighting for both pics.
First attempt, I didn't space out well. Should have done first name on top and last on bottom.
(omg, I just got an idea for a pen pal!)

I LOVE how it turned out though!!! Makes me want to do another with masking fluid!


Callig class, cont'd.

More of my name...

Here's another fave. Did last name in uncial (walnut ink) and others in fp script!

This idea went wrong. Did initial caps with Coit pen and tried lettering other parts with smaller nib.
Don't like. But still sharing.

Another trial piece. Mixing it up again.

And more mixing: Alternated Parallel pen with smaller split Coit pen, emphasizing S with folded pen.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cmas tree name! (callig class)

And then I came up with this idea! (I've got Cmas on the brain...)
*for callig class assignment -- see previous post

This is my fave so far. (I still have other ideas!)

Parallel pen and watercolor ink.

with a filter (for brighter green color)

in b/w

with added digital dots.

and more colorful.  😊


Callig. Class (assignment)

This Fall, I signed up for a lettering class at our local Art Center, thinking it was going to be pointed pen. I was so bummed when I found out it wasn't, as I really wanted to brush-up on my pp skills. (and b/c I had really gotten back into using them during my Halloween env.'s challenge).

However, I tried to be open-minded, knowing I could use some honing with my uncial skills as well.

Then, we got our first "assignment"! -- Lettering our full names, on w/c paper. (And b/c I get going with my creativity, I went even further on colored paper. Leave it to me to make it a project!)

Here are a few pieces I came up with:

Trial piece (on reg. paper) with Parallel pen
Tried doing midd. name in pp script in-between, but had a mishap with the gold ink. 😒

Accidental mixed inks -- Fun!

First attempt on wc paper: Walnut ink. 6mm Parallel and split nib Coit. Drop-in colors.

Close up. spacing. 😞

Didn't like how i lettered my midd name in-between. (Needed more contrast.)

2nd attempt (have done before): stacked uncial with teal India ink, neon color pencils, gold script over & gold splatters.

Next idea: b&w on color Strathmnore paper. Thicks & thins.

I like this one except i messed up my midd. name on the end. Did in white.

Then, tried using primary colors, but darn ink wasn't flowing well  (grrrrr.)

Decided to mix it up with some folded pen lettering!

Then, tried emulating something I saw on Pinterest. Not bad, kinda fun, but my A got messed up (the tail and ink bled a bit). Plus, not digging my N.

More to come!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Change" (Fall), 2

A piece I did from a failed watercolor creation.

pointed pen & metallic ink.


Friday, November 10, 2023

FoC challenge / prompt

 I recently came upon the Friends of Calligraphy page on IG and saw this November prompt:

I'm not sure how often they do these, but I always love a good, fun callig (or snail mail) challenge!

So, here is my submission:

I immediately thought of this when I saw the prompt (" Something in Yellow and Brown.") I decided to not only be literal, but "funny" as well! (At least I hope they take it that way!) 😄

Used my Pilot Parallel and folded pens.

This is without my accidental yellow background.

And here are other ideas I originally came up with:
Just the word, Something.

Tried Grateful for T-Day.

And with my Brody pen.

Can't wait to keep partaking in these! Looking forward to future prompts.

Monday, November 6, 2023

tiny nib!

In doing my 31 Env.'s Challenge in October, I really got back into my pointed nibs. I pulled order new ones, and pulled out unused ones I already had.

This teeny, tiny one was one of them. I have no idea what brand (and hope to find out, but don't want to take out of the holder just yet), but's amazing! SO flexible and fun.

This video might not be that "amazing" to view, but for me, it was b/c the (metallic) ink flowed out so well, and it just wrote so beautifully.

Still pic.

Here is another sample. FUN!
Love my b (messed up my g) -- still getting use to doing curves.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Falling Leaf...

Posting this a little late in the season, however, the leaves ARE still falling!

And, this past week felt more like winter than fall, but hoping the temps warm up.

Homemade "Luthis" pen, walnut ink and drop-in colors.