Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Art & Movement

 I took a Movement & Art class today at our local Art Center, and thought I'd share what I created.

I saw this posted last year, and missed out, so I was thrilled to partake this time!

We set up in the museum and this was our view.

But this is the art piece we faced.
We were to look at the shapes and see how our bodies "correspond" while in certain poses.
I definitely felt it while in forward fold, wide forward fold (parallelogram), and pyramid pose.
(Also, down dog & table top)

However, for the art part, I chose one of my faves: Child's Pose!

The art "prompts" were endless possibilities...We were given a handout with the yoga/sanskrit names and symbols of the poses and for Child's Pose, the name was "Balasana" (which sounds so pretty!)
It was the first thing I lettered: you can see it in the top round part, which represents my spine.

I first drew the outline with watercolor, then lettered in the name and my own thoughts, feelings, poetry, etc. within the body. (Used a lovely pointed pen -- not sure what kind, as the tools were supplied -- and watercolor, which I've never used for pp lettering!)

My words: 
"I find rest, I find solace, in my child's pose. I relax and breathe deep; Focus on me. I heal and soothe; I find myself." (the body)

(the head):  "I stretch & extend; Lengthen, release."

(the bent leg): "tight, Tight, Tight, CREAK, Struggle to Bend. But I stick with it as I slowly start to loosen. Tight."

Below the body, I write: "ohm, ahh" in pp, and repeat again, Bigger in brush.

The colors represent the energy of my extended arms, from my stretch.

(My drawing looks like a turtle/bird/spider!) 😄 But I had fun!

And this was a play piece using wet spray and dropping in color. I love how it turned out to look like a flower, so I added lettering, "I bloom as I heal", but I don't like how it turned out. (waaa.) 😕
However, I plan to redo for my Healing Journal! 😊

Close up of the "flower"

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