Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day 7 & 8 -- Duo sparkle gels pens & ntbk!

These duo sparkle pens are so fun! I first got just one (the green & red) for Cmas a few years ago, then I decided to purchase the whole pack of 4.

Close up from piece below.

I kinda forgot about these, so am going to start using them for my correspondence. That way I can hopefully slow down enough to improve my penmanship.

More usage:
All 4 pens, catalogued (Need to try them on dark paper!)

Close ups & Diff. angles

Varied funky monoline

And a sample letter.

And a video showing the iridescent colors:
I love the Cmas colors and the Pink/Blue the best.


And for Day 8, my rarely used Iowa Hawkeyes notebook!
I bought this for my oldest for college, and he never used it, so he gave me all his unused stationary products after graduation. It's a pretty good notebook, as there are a lot of pages, and it doesn't bleed through. This will prob. be my new "stationary" sheets!

A little vid of the notebook:

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