Monday, March 24, 2025

Day 30: Old Crayola Brush marker (and Mini Marker Challenge)

*I have decided to do a Mini Marker Challenge incorporated into my 100 Days of Supplies/Inventory, as I have so many that I rarely use, and so many that are drying up. I was going to wait til this current 100 Day Challenge was over, but feel like doing so now, as this piece inspired me.

(AND I  may switch it up, and throw in other pieces, as this challenge isn't going as well as hoped/planned, which is why I took a break. Just not feeling it this time around. BUT want to stick it out!)


I only have 3 of these markers left. I think it's safe to say they're over 20 years old. 
The last time I used them was 3 years ago, for my 100 Markers Challenge. (scroll to bottom)

They're actually not bad, as the tip is quite flexible, and you can get (somewhat) fine lines. AND I was really impressed with my lettering for this, as when I was done and took the pic, I kept looking at it thinking, "Wow! I lettered that???" 😀

The only bad thing, is that it's supposed to say, "Crayoligraphy", but b/c I made a ligature with the y and o, it looks like a p instead, making it look like "Crapligraphy".  😕😖

(and if I TRIED to make a "p" like that, it prob. wouldn't turn out!) 😁

Here is another test piece.

Blue from 2022

and a red alpha exemplar.

They're all drying out.

*Going to do more with each, so new pieces to come!

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