Saturday, September 28, 2024

Day 12: Om Mani Padme Hum

Again, more inspo from yoga!

Ever since i started meditating, I've always loved this phrase, and the meanings behind it. Such a lovely chant...I found myself getting lost in it.
I've lettered it before, but decided to do so once again, for my brush challenge!

Old Wink of Stella with purple gouache/watercolor combo.

And, as per "usual", lettering the different meanings over it, did not turn out as I'd hoped/envisioned. (I forgot to do an overlay, which was a secondary idea.) Decided to still share.  :/

This next idea is for a one-page folded booklet! This is a screen shot, as I forgot to take a pic when finished. Below is the lettering video.

And making the booklet:

When I looked up the meanings for my top piece, I learned even more ( ):
"Mani" means Jewel and "Padme" means Lotus. So, there is the phrase, "The Jewel is in the Lotus."
i LOVED this, for a few reasons. First, it just sounds lovely. And second, I was once given an analogy with healing, esp. when one feels stuck in the muck (i.e. going through a sh*t time): That we have to go through the sh*t in order to bloom; And lotus flowers grow in the yuck muck of mud under water, but look at how lovely they are!
So, this phrase has even more special meaning to me now. 😊

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