Saturday, September 21, 2024

21 Day Challenge (shortened 100 Day)

 About a month ago, a shortened version of the 100 Day Project was announced:  The 21 Day Project. At the time, I thought I'd partake as I have PLENTY of unfinished projects. However, when it started (Sept. 17), I didn't know what to do (or rather, couldn't choose), so I "bailed".

However, on Day 4, I got the idea to do 21 Days of Pointed Brush Lettering, as I recently took Julie W's online class (have yet to finish!) AND I always need brushing up (pun! 😆) with this tool. (Plus, I own so many!!! I feel like giving up, but never do, as I don't know why. Probably b/c I do I so many!)

I also rarely use these, so that's what also prompted me to partake.

Anyway, here are Days 1-5 (playing catch-up):

First up: Almost all of my pointed brush pens! Lots of Pentel ones, as well as Bimoji and Wink of Stella (gold, blue, green), AND even some old metallic ones!

(*the copper metallic one w/tape on the cap -- 3rd from Right -- is one that I use daily for watercolors, as it dried up. I can still get a little life from the others.)

The 4 I used for Days 1-5:  

Bimoji, Wink of Stella (old/used up), New(ish) Pentel Dual metallic (black/red) and an old blue Pentel.

Bimoji (it's so dainty!) -- from my ABC's of Lettering Challenge earlier this year.

elongated practice alpha w/old Wink of Stella pen and walnut ink
(from July, when I started Julie's class)

from a few years ago (2021?) -- IG lettering prompt.
Blue Pentel brush pen (i love how it smudged)

Again, Bimoji. (from my 2022 100 Days of Redos!)

And the Pentel Dual Metallic pen. (new)
Orig. created this for another mini-folded book, but I think I'll turn it into an env. instead.
Stay tuned for that!  :)

Closer view.

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