Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 6, 100 Days: Ruling Pen

i got a set of 3 ruling pens in Dec. 2019, and these are tools I rarely use too. I find them awkward to hold. However, they are so great for using metallic acrylic inks, as the ink flows so nicely through them.
Below are a few pieces utilizing each.

Pic collage of various projects; Top to Bottom, L to R:
back page of mini book, journal page overlay lettering, overlay lettering on an insert, front cover of same mini book. Will post finished pieces later (prob. after the Challenge)

For this page, at first, I tried the wet lettering technique i learned in Julie W's "Marks" class (using the ruling pen), but the words didn't show up well. So, i went over them with a glitter gel pen. Love how it turned out.

Then, for the front cover, I added lettering for a "decorative border", as I felt it needed something. I wrote the words, "break free" down along the side, in iridescent white, overlapping.

Makes me want to create a bookmark like this too!

For my journal page, this is the final piece when I used my Faber Castell grey brush marker 
(from Day 2):
The base lettering is a poem I wrote, and then on top, I lettered "I heart me" over and over using 3 diff. tools and metallic silver ink. In the center went a sketch/play piece of art that says, "i heart me" w/in the shape of a heart flower (the "i" is the stem and "me" is at the bottom).  😊

Before adding the art.

Diff. angles so you can see the lettering:

Tools used: Speedball Hunt 101 nib, Niko G nib (fairly new), and my ruling pen.

and a Video showing the lettering...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Day 5 , 100 Days: Poscas (extra fine)

For Cmas 2023, I got a box of extra fine pt Posca markers, as I love to letter in script with these. However, I've only used one or 2 of them. SO time to get them out for this challenge!

Here are a few I used for the following piece...

I got an idea to do the "believe" piece (from Days 3 & 4) on vellum as an overlay for my healing journal, and found the markers a perfect.

At first, I added colors on top of the outlined word design, but I had to go back to touch up, so I did another and colored on the back side! Way better!

Here is the one colored in on the back.

Close up.

And the front view.

Total Poscas used.

Side by Side comparison:
Left:  color on top; Right: color on back.

Close ups:

Yes, it's more muted from the back, but it's cleaner.

And the finished piece:

Side by Side with bigger piece:
Poem added to page. Still deciding if I want to add the "i" along the border.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Day 3 & 4, 100 Days...WoS brush, black glitter & w/c's

This one is a combined creation: *I may have a few of these, as it's kind of hard to post separately if I'm using many supplies for one piece.

Tools used:  brush pen, and some (mostly) unused watercolors.

Last fall, I got a couple of new Wink of Stella (WoS) glitter brush pens, and decided to use the new black one. (*See my YT channel for video demo: )

This is a page from my Healing Journal: "believe in you".
I penciled it first, then went over with the brush. (you'll see this in the video)

some close ups of the ink, as too much came out.

This is the art it was based on. Not sure why I did this play piece (IG inspo?) but I loved it, so i saved to do something with it, and made it bigger for my journal.
*Actually, I remember! i was trying to emulate something from IG, which I used for another page in my healing journal (will post later). I then must have sketched it again.

Comparison, and sketch for journal, as I had a poem to go along with it.

Close up of sketch

close up of ink

*2nd round of supplies (Day 4!) -- colored in w/ the watercolors (nice set from Hobby Lobby, bought in 2023) I have other w/c I need to use, but this set was a little treat for myself. They're so nice, I almost hate using them (I tend to do this with a lot of my supplies, as I know once I start using, they're going to look used. Weird, I know.) 

Before adding poem

*Will update when I add the poem.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Day 2, 100 Days: Grey brush marker

Got this brush pen at Dick Blick in IA City years ago (2019). I loved the thickness of it and it was on clearance, so I decided to purchase.

Rarely use it.
(Side note I don't know why I love to buy brush markers, as i feel as though I tend to struggle with my brush lettering. But whenever I see one, they call out to me!)

I used it twice recently:  once for this journal page and once for an env. (see below)

I lettered big to make it the background, and then, added more words on top (will post later, as that's another Day to add!)

*See the rest of the env. on my Snail Mail blog:

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Day 1, 100 Days: New Sharpies! (Brush)

It's Day 1 of the 100 Day Challenge! (100 Days of Inventory/ 100 Days of Art Supplies)

Wasn't sure what to start with, so decided to go with my new brush Sharpies.

Saw these on Jean's blog and HAD to get 'em, as I love anything that shows up well on dark papers.

Some "design" play and a little cataloging with all 5 colors.

Not sure how these will show on other dark papers, as I know with other supplies (gel pens, metallics, Crayola gel markers), sometimes it depends on the paper used. But so far, I love!

Friday, February 21, 2025

folded pen akim quotes

As i've said before, I love Julie W's work. I try to emulate her as much as I can, so after taking her akim class last year, I did these practice pieces i turned into inserts to give away.

"All things grow with love." Walnut ink, gold highlights, pink accents.

The World is but a canvas to our imagination.

walnut ink on textured paper, with color pencils.

Up next....the 100 Day Challenge!

Friday, February 14, 2025

happy V-day! (red WoS glitter brush)

 Another play piece!
Got this new Wink of Stella glitter brush pen in red and decided to try it out for Vday.
(*Scroll for close ups.)

Was using a light touch.

a few more pieces...

Back to Valentine...

Close-ups of the glitter.

I love these pens, as they're so fun, but too bad no refills.

I could use this for my 100 Day Challenge too, but this is rather new.

Friday, February 7, 2025


just a few things I've been working on...

This is a page (unfinished) from my Joy Journal. You can't tell (i need to post a better pic), but I hand- cut the side part that says "i create" (see below). I then colored over with metallic w/c's, then added wording on the side, trying my hand at Stunt Roman.

Full page.
Not sure yet what I want to do on the blank part.

This is a page from a mini book I'm creating.

This was a play piece (ruling pen, on side:  says, "i love me") where I added wording on the right... a mixture of Stunt Romans and pp. Diff. inks. (bled at bottom -- 😒)

Side view (can you see the "i love me"?)

And finally, trying to salvage a failed w/c piece. (unfinished)