Friday, July 26, 2024

Salvaged Page (jrnl)

A failed, then salvaged page from my Healing Journal.

This started out as an alpha page with each letter representing a word that has to do with emotional trauma healing. (you can barely make out some words and letters:  the orange E, and blue W both stand out). I didn't like it/my lettering, so I washed over the black lettering (ink was non-waterproof), and added some w/c swashes. Then, I tried script lettering with a black Posca marker, but it was too dark, so then I tried going over with a white Posca.

Although I love how the background turned out, I'm bummed you really can't read the lettering. But overall, I still like.
Maybe I'll try to redo/replicate.

Quote: "If you find yourself walking a path alone, it does not mean you are going the wrong way."

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Brush Trees (Cmas in July!)

It's Cmas in July! So, am sharing some abstract trees (non-trad. colors)

*These were done in early 2022 for the Progress Lettering Challenge on IG.

(Had fun with this challenge, as it was redoing past creations to compare with current skill level. It was a month-long challenge, and almost a continuation of my Redos Challenge.)

This first tree was an experimental piece for my 100 Days of Neon Challenge. I think I used a Q-tip, but not sure what white ink. Then, I used my neon paints for the "lights" (end of Qtip to make the dots). Touched up with gel markers.

For these next 2, I used a white Zig Fudebiyori brush marker. 
Primary colors

back to trad. colors w/not-so-green ink

Love how they turned out.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Art Center Class (Abstract Callig.)

Wednesday night, I took a class/workshop at our local Art Center. It was taught by Tome Hope, who I've been wanting to take from, but never had the chance. The class was Abstract Calligraphy, and I wasn't sure what to expect, but was thinking along the lines of gestural/expressive/abstract marks.
The class did not disappoint!

experimental piece using India ink and pointed pen on rice paper. As you can see when I first tried, the ink bled rather badly. So that's why I decided to try the dainty extended lettering. Loved how it turned out! (Tome did too. 😁)

We first started out with this project: taking small pieces of squares and using the least amount of cutting to make an alphabet. This was to get our minds thinking about the actual shapes of letters.
(Although fun and interesting, I'm not a fan of cutting and pasting, or rather, pasting. I need to find an easier way! Or maybe make it more mindful.)

*We were giving various strips of colorful paper, so I chose red at first, then black, as i ran out. So, i decided to start combining my scraps, and layering. I used some hole punched pieces (the black dot for the i and a red one for the o -- wish I had made it bigger though). Also used hole punched pieces on the D, M, V, X & Y. I love my Q, T and U (used a sliver strip of red).

Kinda fun, but I gotta admit, I was antsy to play with tools!

We then went on to play with balsa wood. She also handed out vellum sheets of paper so we could do layers. For this, you can see my balsa wood designs under my pp lettering ("Be kind to your mind.)

This is a sheet of balsa wood designs & letters, as well as some automatic pen.

Another sheet of balsa wood play; and an experiment with A's.

So much fun! Can't wait to keep playing with this new tool/technique!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Acceptance. (multi-hands)

From 2003.
It was created to represent the stages of grief. I used diff. tools and lettering to try and express each emotion/feeling. I also tried applying diff. colors to each as well.

Layers upon layers, as grief is not linear!
For acceptance, I used pp uncial, but it was hand-drawn vs. lettered. I also lettered is on a clear piece of paper/vellum to layer on top of the other lettering.

Close up. (you can see the top layer of paper of acceptance to the right)

Spent way too much money on framing it, as I never hung it.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bday insert ("repurposed")

I was so proud of this idea!! It was a scrap piece of watercolor that I saved, thinking I'd paste a design over it, but instead, I painted over the "mistake", adding another design. Then, I got the idea to do the quote around it!
("Just because you get older, does not mean you have to get old.")

Hope the recipient likes!
(I liked it so much that I found it hard to part with.) 😊


Friday, July 5, 2024

Be the Love (another one)

(Adding back in a little color, after a month of black and white!)

A few years ago, I got some brush markers from the Dollar Tree. I had tested them on this scrap paper, and not sure why, but I only wrote L, v and e.
So, since I like how they turned out, I decided to add a heart "o" and make it into another self-love quote.

Brighter lighting.

Brighter letters (L).

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Throwback (Monoline Booklet)

This month's prompt for the FoC was "Share a spread from a book you made that has calligraphy". This is more of a booklet than a book, as I don't think I've ever made a book (well, aside from scrapbooks -- haha!) -- but I do have some in the works!

This is from a workshop where I learned to use a B nib. I fell in love with this style, as it's so fun. Would love to do something similar to this again.

*These cropped images are a bit blurry.

Cannot remember the name of this font, but will update if I find out!


Just regular
