Inspired by pieces seen online/IG, Julie W's classes, etc., I've really been into word borders and quotes for my healing journal, as well as other pieces I create for snail mail.
Here are some sketches of ideas I cannot wait to create, as well as some in the works!
"What you Resists, Persists." Mini sketch.
And here it is in my journal. Didn't turn out, but am doing my best to work with it.
Idea for a Zen quote.
I like this version better.
And here is my attempt. I used a pointed pen and metallic acrylic ink, as I wasn't trusting how well I could duplicate with my fp. I really like it, but unfortunately, I messed up the final piece.
be mindful (left) and enlightenment (right)
And a few "Serendipity's"
Could probably do one with Creativity as well.
And here is a piece called Resilience. I used 3d puff paint, but messed up the quote spacing. Grrr.